12 Cara Tampil Cantik dan menarik di Sekolah
Cara Tampil Cantik dan menarik di Sekolah , Pergi Kesekolah dilakukan setiap pagi. dilakukan setelah bangun dari tidur. tahu kan kondisi kita di pagi hari itu kayak apa. ada yang masih pakai rambut singa, bau mulut buaya, mata sipit orang cina, hidung meler kayak permen karet. tapi jangan kuatir
semua itu akan disulap menjadi super keren menarik dengan 12 Cara Tampil Cantik dan menarik di Sekolah ala admin silahkan di baca secara seksama dan di galih manfaatnya :
12 Cara Tampil Cantik dan menarik di Sekolah
1. Tetap tampil Fresh, usahakan malam hari untuk cuci muka
1. Be fresh.Every night take a shower. Be sure to wash your whole body and shave if you need too.
2. Memakai deodoran sebelum Anda pergi ke sekolah. Pastikan itu tidak kuat, Anda tidak ingin orang-orang melarikan diri karena Anda bau seperti Anda memiliki bau menyengat .
2. Smell good. Okay, so you can't wear perfume but there's nothing against deodorant! Put on deodorant before you go to school. Be sure it's not to overpowering, you don't want people to run away because you smell like you had a bath in perfume.
3. Sikat gigilah dahulu Jangan lupa obat kumur! Ingatlah untuk dekat ini ketika Anda pergi, dan mengambil sebungkus permen dengan Anda sehingga napas Anda selalu segar.
3. Pearly whites. Two minutes, twice a day! Floss your teeth as well, to keep them perfect. Don't forget mouthwash! Remember to do this near when you leave, and take a pack of mints with you so your breath is always fresh.
4. Sepatu. model rock, sepatu dengan tali . Ini adalah pilihan terbaik,
4. Shoes. Flat slip ones rock, and shoes with a strap are also too. These are the best options, avoid clumpy lace ups, they just don't look good.
5. Sering pakai stoking biar kulit kamu terawat gag item, tapi sesuaikan kondisi cuaca diindonesia ya
5. Tights.In the winter avoid thick woolly tights and go for thinner black ones which will keep your legs warm. In the summer, clear tights give your legs a tanned look.
6. Pilihlah celana dan rok panjang. hal ini akan menimbulkan efek menarik
6. Skirts or trousers. Trousers are a dream to work with. Wear them anyway you like! At school you can roll up your skirt just a tiny bit so its just above your knee and gives the right amount of leg (teachers can't complain this way either, but don't have you skirt right under your chest).
7. Kalau pakai kemeja, tetaplah fokus dengan baju masuk
7. Blouse/shirt. Don't have it hanging out entirely, just have it a little loose but leave it tucked in.
8. Gunakan jumper untuk mengganti jaket yang ukurannya lebih tebal
8. Jumper/blazer. The slightly too big look is cool, but don't over do it, a size too big will work.
9. Tie. Jangan membuatnya terlalu tipis atau terlalu panjang
9. Tie. Don't make it too thin or too long, but don't make it too large or too short either. The smart look isn't against the rules and it's a good look.
10. Pakailah gelang jam
10. Jewelry. Studs and a necklace tucked in will suffice.
11. Makeup. Lip balm, rol bulu mata, concealer dan foundation adalah pilihan sempurna jika riasan tidak diperbolehkan
11. Makeup. Lip balm, eyelash curlers, concealer and foundation are perfect options if makeup is not allowed. For nails, buy a cool little nail set. You can clip them and buff them and everything, and maybe use clear nail polish if allowed.
12. Untuk rambut liriklah seni rambut rapi, jangan terlalu modis nanti akan terkesan over making
12. Hair. Wear a messy ponytail or bun, and have bobby pins with you! Have feathered or layered hair. Pretty cool! If you wear it loose, straighten it or have it sort of bouncy with a headband. Maybe add some cool clips too!
artikel 12 Cara Tampil Cantik dan menarik di Sekolah juga bisa di baca di dalam bahasa inggris . semoga bermanfaat
Cara Tampil Cantik dan menarik di Sekolah , Pergi Kesekolah dilakukan setiap pagi. dilakukan setelah bangun dari tidur. tahu kan kondisi kita di pagi hari itu kayak apa. ada yang masih pakai rambut singa, bau mulut buaya, mata sipit orang cina, hidung meler kayak permen karet. tapi jangan kuatir
semua itu akan disulap menjadi super keren menarik dengan 12 Cara Tampil Cantik dan menarik di Sekolah ala admin silahkan di baca secara seksama dan di galih manfaatnya :
12 Cara Tampil Cantik dan menarik di Sekolah
1. Tetap tampil Fresh, usahakan malam hari untuk cuci muka
1. Be fresh.Every night take a shower. Be sure to wash your whole body and shave if you need too.
2. Memakai deodoran sebelum Anda pergi ke sekolah. Pastikan itu tidak kuat, Anda tidak ingin orang-orang melarikan diri karena Anda bau seperti Anda memiliki bau menyengat .
2. Smell good. Okay, so you can't wear perfume but there's nothing against deodorant! Put on deodorant before you go to school. Be sure it's not to overpowering, you don't want people to run away because you smell like you had a bath in perfume.
3. Sikat gigilah dahulu Jangan lupa obat kumur! Ingatlah untuk dekat ini ketika Anda pergi, dan mengambil sebungkus permen dengan Anda sehingga napas Anda selalu segar.
3. Pearly whites. Two minutes, twice a day! Floss your teeth as well, to keep them perfect. Don't forget mouthwash! Remember to do this near when you leave, and take a pack of mints with you so your breath is always fresh.
4. Sepatu. model rock, sepatu dengan tali . Ini adalah pilihan terbaik,
4. Shoes. Flat slip ones rock, and shoes with a strap are also too. These are the best options, avoid clumpy lace ups, they just don't look good.
5. Sering pakai stoking biar kulit kamu terawat gag item, tapi sesuaikan kondisi cuaca diindonesia ya
5. Tights.In the winter avoid thick woolly tights and go for thinner black ones which will keep your legs warm. In the summer, clear tights give your legs a tanned look.
6. Pilihlah celana dan rok panjang. hal ini akan menimbulkan efek menarik
6. Skirts or trousers. Trousers are a dream to work with. Wear them anyway you like! At school you can roll up your skirt just a tiny bit so its just above your knee and gives the right amount of leg (teachers can't complain this way either, but don't have you skirt right under your chest).
7. Kalau pakai kemeja, tetaplah fokus dengan baju masuk
7. Blouse/shirt. Don't have it hanging out entirely, just have it a little loose but leave it tucked in.
8. Gunakan jumper untuk mengganti jaket yang ukurannya lebih tebal
8. Jumper/blazer. The slightly too big look is cool, but don't over do it, a size too big will work.
9. Tie. Jangan membuatnya terlalu tipis atau terlalu panjang
9. Tie. Don't make it too thin or too long, but don't make it too large or too short either. The smart look isn't against the rules and it's a good look.
10. Pakailah gelang jam
10. Jewelry. Studs and a necklace tucked in will suffice.
11. Makeup. Lip balm, rol bulu mata, concealer dan foundation adalah pilihan sempurna jika riasan tidak diperbolehkan
11. Makeup. Lip balm, eyelash curlers, concealer and foundation are perfect options if makeup is not allowed. For nails, buy a cool little nail set. You can clip them and buff them and everything, and maybe use clear nail polish if allowed.
12. Untuk rambut liriklah seni rambut rapi, jangan terlalu modis nanti akan terkesan over making
12. Hair. Wear a messy ponytail or bun, and have bobby pins with you! Have feathered or layered hair. Pretty cool! If you wear it loose, straighten it or have it sort of bouncy with a headband. Maybe add some cool clips too!
artikel 12 Cara Tampil Cantik dan menarik di Sekolah juga bisa di baca di dalam bahasa inggris . semoga bermanfaat
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